Let’s Do Something BIG!

PT MARGACIPTA is planning something BIG for 2019 – we want you in on it.




We anticipate a stable MMA market in 2019 and competitive pricing.

That means distributors, fabricators and sign industry specialists will be able to focus on what they do best – Grow Market Share!


Time to revisit our standard sizes available up to 2” with standard whites and blacks up to 1¼”.


Check out our oversize and specialty dimensions for increased yields and special applications:


Th .118″-5/8″
51.2” x 122” (43.38 sqft)
80” x 120” (66.64 sqft)
51.18” x 100” (35.54 sqft)
74” x 98” (50.38 sqft)
62” x 98” (42.34 sqft)Th .060″-5/8″
39.4″ x 78.8″ (21.53 sqft)
37.4″ x 72.8″ (18.90 sqft)Th .080”-5/8”
53.2” x 78.8” (29.025 sqft)
60.6” x 60.6” (25.50 sqft)
64.6 x 64.6” (28.98 sqft)
74 x 74” (38.03 sqft)

Your 2019 resolution – this will be your year to do something BIG!


Take advantage of our great customer service, oversize and specialty dimensions and bring in new business.

Contact Us or Your Account Rep for More Details and Pricing 



Acrylic acrylic sheet, acrylic sheets, big dimensions, large sheet, optimal yield, oversize, specialty dimensions

News Release

The Global Roller Coaster – Closed for the Season?

May 10, 2019May 11, 2019 mcwsi


Are the days of monthly acrylic price creep behind us? Are we entering a period of regular price drops? Will price stability level the playing field and reduce the risks of pricing shenanigans? Here we are, one year after our 2018 Global MMA Roller Coaster assessment considering the impact of a reverse pricing trajectory that is challenging purchasing and marketing managers throughout the supply chain.


MMA prices (methyl methacrylate, the raw material used to produce a wide range of products distributed by IAPD members) have declined about 25% since their 2018 peak levels. Some distributors are enjoying richer profit margins while others are losing market share to aggressive players betting the decline will continue.


In short, soft demand, over supply of MMA and the possible threat of trade war tariffs at most levels of the supply chain have played a part in the current trends. Since the 1st Qtr ’19, prices in China have not decreased further indicating some stability. The South East Asian markets, however, continue to show weakness that point to further declines. In fact, we anticipate another price drop in May as South East Asian MMA demand is still oversupplied.


While stocks and output seem to have completed the needed adjustments during the 1st Qtr, the overall softer market does not warrant any price rebound. Any further price drops should not reach the magnitude of the previous quarter. We have probably hit bottom and any China price increase will be offset by other markets.


In the U.S., fires at some Lucite tanks will disrupt domestic supply. The same situation is affecting Brazil. Once those suppliers replenish, and barring any further unforeseen events, prices should remain level through the end of the year.


MARGACIPTA, Asia’s largest cell cast manufacturer, closely monitors MMA prices on a regular basis in order to provide our clients with the latest pricing data. Keep in touch with us or your sales reps as you manage your inventory positions and make smarter purchasing and marketing decisions possible.


Acrylic, MMA Acrylic, Asia, Global MMA, internatiional, MMA, pricing

Introducing Our LED VIVID & LED Ready Cast Acrylic Sheet

September 25, 2018September 26, 2018 mcwsi


PT MARGACIPTA will be launching its new line of MC® LED VIVID AND LED READY CAST ACRYLIC during the “Margarita’s with Margacipta” event at the IAPD Annual Convention in Washington.


MC® LED Ready Cast Acrylic Sheet is formulated to optimize color performance in front of today’s LED systems used in the sign industry; display market. You’ll see excellent brightness and even illumination with NO HOT SPOTS!  


MC® LED Vivid Cast Acrylic Sheet is chemically formulated with light diffusing technologies that enhance maximum brightness and light illuminating uniformity particularly suited to LED edge lighting.


See you on Tuesday at 6p at The Side Car in the Washington Hilton or Contact Us or Your Account Rep for More Details and Pricing.


Cast Acrylic, LED Acrylic, Cast Acrylic, display, LED, lights, plastic, sign

Kenapa Pintu Kamar Mandi begitu penting?

Anda sedang membangun hunian impian? Ruang yang tidak boleh terlupakan salah satunya adalah Kamar Mandi. Beberapa alasan kenapa kamar mandi menjadi penting karena digunakan sehari untuk keperluan mandi sehari hari ataupun penggunaan toilet. Sehingga kamar mandi adalah ruangan yang sangat privasi dirumah manapun.

Lalu hal apalagi sih yang penting dari sebuah kamar mandi? tentu jawabannya adalah Pintu Kamar Mandi. Pintu Kamar mandi dapat menjadi penghalang saat kita sedang melakukan kegiatan privasi dikamar mandi.  Memiliki pintu kamar mandi penting loh untuk alasan fungsional ataupun estetika.



Salah satu jenis Pintu Kamar Mandi yang sering digunakan adalah Pintu PVC. PUSO® memiliki produk Pintu PVC Rakit dan Pintu Jadi.  Pintu PVC dipilih karena awet tahan terhadap cuaca, anti karat dan anti rayap.

Ukuran Pintu PVC Kamar mandi:

  1. 60 x 190 cm (daun Pintu)
  2. 70 x 195 cm (Pintu Jadi + Kusen)

Pintu PVC.PUSO® merupakan pintu pvc kamar mandi atau pintu toilet  atau pintu wc yang memiliki keunggulan mudah dimodifikasi. Pilihan warna motif dan ukuran jadi salah satu keunggulan dari Pintu PVC PUSO®. Dari mulai pintu warna hingga pintu pvc motif kayu.

Jadi gak salah dong kalau Pintu PVC PUSO® adalah merk pintu kamar mandi yang bagus, motifnya mewah  sangat tepat digunakan untuk pintu kamar mandi rumah minimalis hingga pintu kamar mandi apartemen ataupun pintu kamar mandi perkantoran.


Hubungi kami melalui social media atau klik link ini untuk info lebih lanjut.

Jenis Selang Industri yang Tepat untuk Bisnis Anda

Selang digunakan untuk siram tanaman aja? Duh ketinggalan jaman banget! Selang bisa digunakan untuk kebutuhan industry juga loh! 

  1. Selang  Udara atau Selang Kompresor. Selang ini digunakan utnuk memenuhi kebutuhan industry diantaranya konstruksi, pertambangan, pertanian, kelautan dll. Selang PVC PUSO®, memiliki varian selang udara atau selang  kompresor dengan ukuran 8.5 inch dengan Panjang 100m. Selang ini  memiliki keunggulan Ringan, usia pakai relative lama, dan elastis.
  2. Selang Spiral, Selang spiral biasanya selain digunakan untuk penyedotan industri limbah pembuangan, Selang spiral memiliki keunggulan elastis, tahan terhadap gesekan. Selang PUSO® memiliki varian Selang Spiral dengan ukuran mulai dari 1 inch sampai dengan 8 inch.
  3. Selang Ventilasi, digunakan untuk menyedot gas hingga serbuk kayu dan serbuk gergaji. Varian selang ventilasi ini disebut juga Selang Duct Hose. Selang yang biasanya digunakan untuk industri pertanian, pertambangan dan bahan kimia.