September 5, 2018September 26, 2018 mcwsi


6PM, October 2nd, 2018


PT MARGACIPTA welcomes you to join our sales and factory technical teams on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 at 6pm at the Sidecar Bar at the Washington Hilton Hotel for “Margarita’s with Margacipta.


We are really looking forward to hearing about how your regional markets and customers are responding to our products, especially new products introduced in 2018.


Heard about Margacipta Cell Cast but don’t have any in stock? No Worries – IAPD members are welcome! Looking forward to introducing you to our high optical quality products.

  1. Cell Cast Acrylic Sheet
  2. Cell Cast Display Accessories
  3. MC Bond ACP
  4. EZ8 Fabricators Formulation
  5. Specialty P95/P99 Finishes
  6. Sanitary Grade Acrylic Sheet
  7. Framing/Museum Grade Acrylic Sheet


*** Head’s Up – sometime before 7p, we’ll be honoring one lucky IAPD Member who can say “MARGACIPTA” five 5 times fast loud enough for people to take notice – start practicing!


See you at IAPD in Washington!
Haven’t Registered Yet? Here’s the LINK.



MC® Bond Premium Aluminium Composite Panel


IAPD DC, IAPD, Margacipta, Margaritas, Washington

News Release

Let’s Do Something BIG!

PT MARGACIPTA is planning something BIG for 2019 – we want you in on it.




We anticipate a stable MMA market in 2019 and competitive pricing.

That means distributors, fabricators and sign industry specialists will be able to focus on what they do best – Grow Market Share!


Time to revisit our standard sizes available up to 2” with standard whites and blacks up to 1¼”.


Check out our oversize and specialty dimensions for increased yields and special applications:


Th .118″-5/8″
51.2” x 122” (43.38 sqft)
80” x 120” (66.64 sqft)
51.18” x 100” (35.54 sqft)
74” x 98” (50.38 sqft)
62” x 98” (42.34 sqft)Th .060″-5/8″
39.4″ x 78.8″ (21.53 sqft)
37.4″ x 72.8″ (18.90 sqft)Th .080”-5/8”
53.2” x 78.8” (29.025 sqft)
60.6” x 60.6” (25.50 sqft)
64.6 x 64.6” (28.98 sqft)
74 x 74” (38.03 sqft)

Your 2019 resolution – this will be your year to do something BIG!


Take advantage of our great customer service, oversize and specialty dimensions and bring in new business.

Contact Us or Your Account Rep for More Details and Pricing 



Acrylic acrylic sheet, acrylic sheets, big dimensions, large sheet, optimal yield, oversize, specialty dimensions

The Global Roller Coaster – Closed for the Season?

May 10, 2019May 11, 2019 mcwsi


Are the days of monthly acrylic price creep behind us? Are we entering a period of regular price drops? Will price stability level the playing field and reduce the risks of pricing shenanigans? Here we are, one year after our 2018 Global MMA Roller Coaster assessment considering the impact of a reverse pricing trajectory that is challenging purchasing and marketing managers throughout the supply chain.


MMA prices (methyl methacrylate, the raw material used to produce a wide range of products distributed by IAPD members) have declined about 25% since their 2018 peak levels. Some distributors are enjoying richer profit margins while others are losing market share to aggressive players betting the decline will continue.


In short, soft demand, over supply of MMA and the possible threat of trade war tariffs at most levels of the supply chain have played a part in the current trends. Since the 1st Qtr ’19, prices in China have not decreased further indicating some stability. The South East Asian markets, however, continue to show weakness that point to further declines. In fact, we anticipate another price drop in May as South East Asian MMA demand is still oversupplied.


While stocks and output seem to have completed the needed adjustments during the 1st Qtr, the overall softer market does not warrant any price rebound. Any further price drops should not reach the magnitude of the previous quarter. We have probably hit bottom and any China price increase will be offset by other markets.


In the U.S., fires at some Lucite tanks will disrupt domestic supply. The same situation is affecting Brazil. Once those suppliers replenish, and barring any further unforeseen events, prices should remain level through the end of the year.


MARGACIPTA, Asia’s largest cell cast manufacturer, closely monitors MMA prices on a regular basis in order to provide our clients with the latest pricing data. Keep in touch with us or your sales reps as you manage your inventory positions and make smarter purchasing and marketing decisions possible.


Acrylic, MMA Acrylic, Asia, Global MMA, internatiional, MMA, pricing

It’s Been a Year! Have You Tried Our MC-Bond Aluminum Composite?

July 15, 2019 mcwsi


About one year ago, PT MARGACIPTA announced the launch of its new line of aluminum composite panels (ACP) in the U.S. market under the MC-Bond brand name. The price is right and MC Bond continues gain new customers who are in turn finding NEW CUSTOMERS!


MC-Bond is the result of years of technical and marketing research to determine the right product mix worthy of the high level of customer service and top quality products associated with the MARGACIPTA brand. Economical, high impact resistant, easy maintenance, noise absorbing, smooth surface and unlimited color varieties – whether you are looking for new or existing indoor or outdoor applications – MARGACIPTA and our MC-Bond product is your ACP partner.

Contact Us or Your Account Rep for More Details and Pricing


Selang PVC PUSO: Pilihan Terbaik untuk Kebutuhan Industri

Selang PVC PUSO: Pilihan Terbaik untuk Kebutuhan Industri Anda

Mengenal Selang PVC PUSO®: Keunggulan dan Kualitas Terbaik 

Selang PVC PUSO® memiliki pabrik selang PVC terbaik di Indonesia yang memahami sepenuhnya kebutuhan industri modern. Dikenal karena keunggulannya dalam produksi selang PVC berkualitas tinggi, Selang PVC PUSO® menyediakan solusi terbaik untuk berbagai keperluan industri. Keunggulan utama Selang PVC PUSO® terletak pada kualitasnya yang luar biasa. Dibuat dengan teknologi terkini dan bahan PVC terbaik, selang-selang yang diproduksi oleh PUSO® tahan terhadap tekanan tinggi dan sangat tahan lama.

Produk Unggulan: Selang PVC Berkualitas Tinggi 

Salah satu produk unggulan dari Selang PVC PUSO® adalah selang PVC berkualitas tinggi yang dirancang untuk memenuhi standar ketat industri, selang PVC PUSO® ideal digunakan dalam berbagai lingkungan industri. Produk-produk ini juga dirancang dengan lapisan khusus yang mencegah korosi dan aus, memastikan masa pakai yang panjang. Keunggulan lainnya adalah fleksibilitasnya yang tinggi, memudahkan instalasi dan penggunaan di berbagai aplikasi.

Solusi untuk Berbagai Industri 

Selang PVC PUSO® menawarkan solusi yang sempurna untuk berbagai industri. Dalam sektor pertanian, selang PVC ini digunakan untuk irigasi dan penyiraman tanaman karena daya tahan terhadap cuaca dan paparan sinar matahari. Di industri konstruksi, selang PVC PUSO® digunakan untuk transfer air bersih dan limbah. Keandalan dan ketahanannya membuatnya cocok untuk proyek-proyek konstruksi skala besar. Di sektor kimia, selang-selang ini digunakan untuk mentransfer berbagai bahan kimia dengan aman dan efisien..


Selang PVC PUSO® adalah pilihan terbaik untuk kebutuhan industri Anda. Dengan kualitas terbaik, fleksibilitas tinggi, dan ketahanan yang luar biasa terhadap berbagai kondisi, produk-produk Selang PVC PUSO®  memberikan solusi yang handal dan efisien. 

Jangan ragu lagi, pilih Selang PVC PUSO® untuk memastikan operasional industri Anda berjalan lancar dan efisien.